Title - Floral Mobile Home Park

Special Offers
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Special Offer for New Residents

Move-In Incentive Program*: Choose from the following options -
"Reduced Rent", "We Pay Move-In Expenses", "We Pay Landscaping Expenses", "Cash Back after moving in", and many more options.*

Our Incentive Program is designed to meet your needs

Floral Park Management Team appreciates that everyone’s situation and needs are different. Let us know what we can do to help you move in – we’ll work with you to design your own special move-in package.

We look forward to meeting you and discussing how we can assist you to become one of our valued residents on one of our new large lots or in the mature area of the park.

You’ll see for yourself that Floral Mobile Home Park is one of the most attractive and well-managed parks in the area with large lots that back into green space, lots of open space that makes for a wonderful community space.

For more information or to set up an appointment to visit Floral Mobile Home Park please contact Park Manager email: manager@FloralMobileHomePark.com or Phone Tel: (315) 635-7011

Looking forward to meeting you
Floral Mobile Park Management Team

*The actual cash value of each option under Move-In Incentive Program may differ. The cash value will depend on what option is selected and the lot that is rented.




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